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Bear Computer Group Canada Inc. - no association with The Boston Consulting Group


Database Applications:

The technologies used by the BCG Canada Inc. development teams are current and always applied in the appropriate situations.  That in itself is a skill, a great deal of programmers like to cram everything they know into each and every project.  We pride ourselves in perfecting details that most others fail to even  recognize.  From the top end of system development to the back end of crunching code BCG Canada Inc. has seasoned veterans that are able to deliver each and every time.

We are BCG Canada Inc., and we are different than corporate outsourcers because we specialize in small businesses and/or projects.  We are the accomplished, responsive, flexible and highly competitive alternative to hiring permanent staff, or augmenting it.

We can dramatically reduce the learning curve and the expense that comes with hiring full-time resources for specific projects.  In addition, our teams can quickly finish projects that would take a single programmer much longer.  Our team's combined skill set allows you or your clients the flexibility of accomplishing a variety of different tasks; from design and development, to programming in a suite of languages

Join our growing group of satisfied customers from companies and organizations across the globe.  Find out how cost-effective expert programming assistance can be.

A better business decision is just a phone call away, or e-mail us

Ranked in the top 5% of web developers in the entire world!